Unity in Community: Honoring Alumni who have Served & Are Serving in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces)
Dear Friends,
Hillel Community Day School is marking its 76th year as the oldest Jewish Day School in Upstate NY and is the only Zionist Jewish Day School in Western New York. Over the years, former HCDS students have dedicated themselves to protecting Israel with military service. These brave and committed individuals have freely chosen to enlist in service for the protection of Israel. This is especially poignant now, considering the terror of October 7 and the war that has ensued. Since that day, Israel has remained at the forefront of our hearts and minds. This year’s Annual Scholarship Dinner salutes our former students who currently serve or have served in the IDF. We are enormously proud of them.
In honor of their support, courage and loyalty, our Advertising Journal is dedicated to each one of these individuals. Our goal by honoring them is to raise funds to support the Hillel School scholarship program. Our school has impacted thousands of students in caring deeply about their Jewish values, Torah, and Israel. We hope to perpetuate this long-standing mission of teaching and living Jewishly, helping young people grow to love Israel as members of a global community.
Thank you in advance for your partnership in ensuring that Jewish pride and love for Israel perpetuate at Hillel School. We wish you all good health, joy, and peace for Israel. We are profoundly grateful for your generous contributions. AM ISRAEL CHAI!
Most kind regards,
Caroline Korn
Director of Institutional Advancement