Continuous Enrollment
A Switch to One and Done!
Each year, more than 93% of eligible Hillel School families return to our school.
After much research and thought, we challenged ourselves to make the re-enrollment process as user-friendly as possible, and reward our families’ loyalty.
That’s what led to our launch of Hillel's Continuous/Evergreen Enrollment program. Read below to learn more about this exciting program!
Contact Ms. Sherri Hellman, at if you have any questions.
Note: Opt-Out deadline (no penalty) is March 2, 2021, for currently enrolled families for the following (2021-22) school year.

Continuous Enrollment: FAQs
1. How does continuous enrollment benefit Hillel School families?
Continuous Enrollment's “one and done” process offers your family simplicity. Once you signed your initial Enrollment Contract, you never have to deal with re-enrollment again (unless your family plans change). Each year your family just has to sign a contract agreement that will be sent out to you in early March, or after you have applied for financial aid. Again, “One and Done" enrollment. In the event that things do change, you’ll have until the Continuous Enrollment Opt-Out date in early March to submit a Opt-Out/Withdrawal letter to the Admissions Office and face absolutely no penalty.
In addition to simplifying things for our parents, it also helps us plan for the optimal educational experience for your child(ren) by allowing us to plan for staffing, programs, materials, curriculum, and facility usage. In short, it helps us maximize your tuition dollars so we can provide the best education possible for our students.
2. What if we are a current family and want to enroll additional children?
For every student new to Hillel, a new application is required only for the new student(s).
3. What if my family is applying for financial assistance?
When a completed financial assistance application and supporting documents are submitted and verified, the student’s enrollment becomes contingent upon acceptance of financial assistance. If financial assistance is not adequate, and a family does not accept the financial assistance award and chooses to withdraw, the annual commitment fee is refundable if the financial assistance deadline has been met.
4. What if my plans change after the Continuous Enrollment Date has passed (March 2, 2021)?
We’ve built flexibility into the Continuous Enrollment contract to cover major life changes. Student(s) withdrawn after the Continuous Enrollment Anniversary date, will be exempt from the withdrawal schedule if:
The family moves/relocates 50+ miles away from Hillel School.
Other unique circumstances as approved by the Hillel Administration Team.
You will receive a refund of any annual commitment fees and will not be subject to the 1-month tuition payment fee.