Welcome to the 2021
Arts and Literature Fair
This page is a compilation of art work completed by the hardworking students of Hillel Community Day School. They have let their creativity and imagination take an amazing journey this year. -Miss Brothers
Join us May 27th at 6:15 pm to watch presentations from the students about some of the work they have created this year. Contact the main office to get a registration link!
K- Beautiful Oops

Kindergarten students started the school year by reading the book "Beautiful Oops" by Barney Saltzberg. Students practiced taking mistakes and then finding creative ways to turn it into art!
K color and emotion portraits

Students learned all about the proportions of the face and how different colors can represent different emotions. They created books with different self-portraits and adding different colors to represent those emotions.

K Doors
Students learned about a street artist and his mini doors that he hides around town. Students drew images on the door that show the magical worlds they lead to.

K Collage Landscapes
Students learned about what a landscape is and how it has more nature than buildings. They also learned about what cut paper collages are. As a class we made a group landscape collage. Students then made their own individual landscapes.

K Cityscapes
This was our first distance learning adventure. Students had just finished landscape collages in class and had started learning about a cityscape. Students used construction paper crayons to create these cityscapes.

K Wild Things

In this project students learned about types of line, pattern making, overlapping shapes to create complicated forms, and wax resist painting. We read "Where the Wild Things Are" and learned all about how our emotions can sometimes take control of us.

K Watercolor inventions
Students learned about all about watercolors and paint brush care. Students start this unit by reading the story "What do you do with a problem?". We then talk about problems we have and inventions we could make to solve these problems.

1st Self Portraits
Students learned about proportions of the face and starting to practice basic colored pencil craftsmanship.

1st Shape Monsters
For this project students learned about organic vs. geometric shapes. They also learned about warm vs cool colors.

1st Chagall Peace Windows
First grade had a great time learning about Marc Chagall. They learned all about the people and artworks that influenced his style. They then created their own stained glass window designs based off of what they feel are symbols of peace.

1st and 2nd Andy Warhol Prints
Students learned about the art of Andy Warhol and his unique way of looking at the world. Andy used everyday objects to create his art. Students were inspired by this and created prints about things from their everyday life.

2nd Self Portraits

With Covid this year students created self-portraits that show our current times. They created a mask that represented their current interests to wear. Students learned about different colored pencil techniques and the proportions of the face for this unit.
2nd Optical Illusions
For this unit students reviewed the difference between warm and cool colors. Students also learned about optical illusions and how artwork can trick the eye into seeing movement.

2nd Sistine Chapel
In this unit students learned about Michelangelo and his work in the Sistine Chapel. Thanks to a donation from Barbara Sobel we were able to paint the bottoms of the tables with chalkboard paint and use chalk markers to experience what it is like to try to paint above our heads. Students designed their pieces after the 12 plagues and the Jews escaping Egypt.

3rd Self Portraits

With Covid this year students created self-portraits that show our current times. They created a mask that represented their current interests to wear. Students learned about different colored pencil techniques and the proportions of the face for this unit.
3rd- 5th Bard Symbols
In this unit students began a long term adventure about ANcient Greece and the artwork that goes with it. Acting as traveling Bards students began this unit by creating a symbol that represents who they are as a performer.

3rd and 4th Mythological Creatures

3rd & 4th Mythology Headpieces
In this unit students used found objects and recycled objects to created headpieces that represented the mythological creature that they created.

3rd-5th Greek Pediments
For this part of their Bard training students learned about the Parthenon. In the triangular space, called the pediment on the Parthenon used to be sculptures depicting stories from Mythology. Students created their own pediments using watercolor and shaving cream, that depict a story of a time someone helped them in their lives.

4th Mythological Animations
In this unit students took their mythological creatures and created an animation on their story. Students learned to animate, edit, and voice over their animations.
4th & 5th
Self Portraits
In this unit students created a self portrait and included their masks. Students worked on colored pencil techniques and the proportions of the face.

5th Art Music Video
For this project the 5th graders wrote and filmed their own music parody. They used the vocabulary that they have been learning in art this year.

6th Self Portraits

In this unit students created self portraits and used objects that show who they are to represent features on the face.
6th Charcoal Glow unit
Students learned about different charcoal techniques. Students created drawings that showed the illusion of glowing.

6th book covers
For this unit students took a narrative that they wrote in a different class and created a front and back book cover. They worked with the printer to create the correct sizing and the books were then printed and shipped to the school.

6th Book Trailers
Students created book trailers to go with their book covers to draw the audience in and advertise their books. Students learned to animate, edit, and do voice overs.
7th & 8th About Me Collage
For this unit students learned about different types of collage. Students then created a collage that represents themselves and their interests.

7th & 8th Spray Paint Art
Students learned about public art and different spray paint techniques. They created stencils and practiced using them.

7 & 8 Spirit Animals
For this unit students learned about Georgia O'keeffe and how her compositions are closely cropped. Students also learned different oil pastel techniques and created their own closely cropped composition of their spirit animals.